Thursday, October 27, 2011

What the Yahoo! "Top Ten Searches of the Day" List Says About the Economy . . .

When we were living in England the entire World financial system nearly fell apart.  You know what I'm talking about.  And, on average, recessions happen once every four years--give or take about six months.  PLUS, economists generally can't tell you we're in a recession until we've been there a few months.  Here's what I do know:  You can tell a lot about what people are really concerned about by checking out the Top Ten Searches on Yahoo!  These days, the searches are nothing compared to what they were in 2008.  Other than that, I don't think I'm permitted to make any more observations about the economy outside of the confines of my office.  All I'm gonna do is list today's top ten and let you interpret this as you please:

10.  Stock-market news

9.    Student Loan Forgiveness

8.    Health-Care plans

7.    Kaitlin Olson

6.    Chelsea Clinton

5.    Mark Wahlberg

4.    Tara Reid

3.    Terrell Owens

 . . . we're getting in deep here . . .

2.    Sister Wives baby

AND, lastly, the number one search of the day . . . it's coming . . . are you ready????

Keep going down . . .

Yep, keep going down . . .

This is in lieu of a commercial break . . .

The number one search of Thursday, October 27th, 2011 was


In case you're wondering why, here's the article:

That's profound . . .

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