Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sent the Dog to the Taxidermist

An insurance agency in North Carolina is holding a "Cute Pet Contest." One of our family friends posted a status update on Facebook for everyone to vote for another girl's dog so that the girl could afford to have the dog neutered.  My brother couldn't resist the urge to try to enter his beloved Sadie.  Here's the exchange (that took place on the insurance agency's Facebook page) thus far:

Ashton Harris:  I knew I would miss my dog Sadie so much that I had her preserved at the taxidermist after her death. Would you mind if I posted a picture of her in her permanent position shes very cute although she was much more cute when she was alive. thanks

Another Facebook User:  Facebook isn't working today...can't share the link. Can you extend the contest dates?

Insurance Agency:  We're sorry Sarah! We counted the votes right at 2PM. Please watch for additional contests throughout the year.

Ashton Harris (the next day):  Why wasn't my question ever tended to?
My poor dog would role over in her preserved state if she knew you had ignored her opportunity to be the cutest dog.
Shame on First Pioneer Insurance for not taking me seriously.

Ashton Harris (one hour later):  She will always be alive in my heart.

Insurance Agency:  We're sorry Ashton! This contest was for live pets only. We weren't able to include photos of animals preserved at the taxidermist after death.

Sheila Ledford (our aunt):  So unfair. Where is this preserved pet?

Ashton Harris:  Sadie currently resides in our laundry room but I hope to move her above my mantle as soon as my fire place is finished. Thank you Sheila for your support!! I couldn't believe they wouldn't accept a photo of my old friend.

Jordan Cooper (our sister):  Ashton, I'm sorry they wouldn't include your sweet little Sadie in the contest. I know how you feel about her still being alive to you. My little Oscar (Yorkshire Terrier) passed a couple of years ago, we had him preserved and take him everywhere with us. (Vacations etc.) As far as I'm concerned he's still the cutest little thing I've ever seen!

Other Facebook User:  Thanks for running the contest and donating to the animal shelters. I'll watch for future events.

Ashton Harris:  Jordan, Im glad im not the only one, I was starting to think these people thought I was crazy or trying to make a sick joke. I haven't thought about taking Sadie on vacation I just hope she would be small enough to be considered a carry on item.

Me:  Ashton, I'm so sorry they won't let you enter Sadie in the contest. Thanks for letting us see her when we visited. We've been inspired and hope to have Marley preserved as well when he goes. The taxidermist did excellent work on your little girl!

Ashton Harris:  I thank you all for your support and id be glad to give you the name of the taxidermist if needed. Im glad that pet preservation is catching on so fast!

Jeremy Jensen (my husband):  Ashton, I remember when I first met Sadie she tried to bite the sound of things I don't think she's doing much biting anymore. I'm glad to hear that she is still with you!

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