Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanks Giving

Thanksgiving is the best holiday.  A person can celebrate Thanksgiving regardless of faith or creed.  Family and friends join together to be grateful for each other and for what they have, even if things do get a little lively among our loved ones when we get together for holidays.  There is no pressure to give gifts.  No one anticipates a gift.  The gift is the time that we share.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here's what I'm grateful for:

My family.  I love my husband who supports me, who has never walked out on me.  I love my little boy.  When I got home from work today, I walked in the door.  His eyes lit up.  The first thing he said was, "Mommy!  Thank you for coming to my school to have lunch with me today!" His class had a Thanksgiving feast.  Jeremy and I went to it.  Jeremy said he also thanked him in the car for coming to school today.  It wasn't the first time we went to his school for a holiday party.  We make every one.  But, his teacher has really been teaching him about being thankful this month.  My parents, who are 100% human, and in spite of it all have always done their best for us.  My in-laws, who are the opposite of the stereotype and who help us manage our busy weeks.

My home.  There are times when I stress about all the structural issues that we're eventually going to have to cough up money to have fixed.  But, I know my way around this place blindfolded.  It's ours.  It's wonderful.  We have a neighbor behind us, another on one side and the a beautiful park surrounding the rest.  We can play and be happy.  I think that's what we'll do all weekend.

My education.  I was raised to value education.  I have made the most of it.  I was fortunate enough to have a father who could afford to pay for my undergraduate education.  Jeremy and I managed to pay for my graduate degree.  Thankfully, I have no student debt.  The GI Bill has covered Jeremy and anything he pursues after this will be covered by the Hazelwood Act because, thankfully, he is a veteran.

My dogs.  Their personalities and presence are therapeutic.  They are always making me laugh.  They love our son unconditionally and watch him like shepherds.  I don't even mind that Marley has broken the rules tonight to cuddle up next to me on the couch.

My job.  I work with supportive, caring and strong people.  I value their experience and guidance, and their willingness to help me.  I'm fortunate to have a job when so many do not have one.  I love my clients.  I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes over me when they tell me how much they appreciate my work.  

My experiences.  Not to toot my own horn or anything, but listing my experiences is exhausting!  I've done more in 28 years than most have done in a lifetime; and yet I've done significantly less than so many others have done in their lifetimes.  I still have a lot to learn and a lot to accomplish.  I am grateful for experiences to come and I look forward to them.

My siblings.  My sister, who shares my sense of humor.  We can disagree and have "heated debates." However, we will never abandon each other.  My oldest brother (the oldest of the three brothers, but still younger than me by a shot) who struggles more than his older sisters due to changes the circumstances of our lives and our different environments.  He has somehow worked out so many things in his head that I could not have processed when I was his age, and drags me back down to Earth when I lose sight of the things that matter.  The two youngest brothers who, at almost 10 years old, remind me of what it is like to be a child, interested in all that functions and all that lives in this world.  I only regret not having more time with all of them.

The Toy Story puzzle that Liam got as a party favor at Sydney's Birthday party.  Tonight we spread all 100 pieces out on the coffee table.  I sat on a pillow and he got in my lap.  Every time he correctly placed a piece he cheered "Yay!  Look Mommy, I put the piece in the puzzle!  I got it!" And each time I correctly placed a piece he did the same for me.  That little puzzle provided me with so much pleasure, working through it with my little boy.

My friends.  I'm grateful for wonderful supportive friends.  I'm tremendously happy to have met so many wonderful people.  These are people from so many different backgrounds, with different beliefs, spread out across the entire world.  No matter the time or space between us, we are always friends.  They support me and I support them.  I am thankful for what they have taught me.  I am thankful for their tolerance.  

This Thanksgiving I am truly grateful.  I'm grateful for where this place where I was born.  I'm thankful for everyone who has ever crossed my path.  I am thankful for the blessings in my life.

And, I don't want to cheapen things, but I am even thankful for the tequila that Jeremy's parents brought back from Mexico.  He and I have polished off a few margaritas tonight, and I'm now thankful for this classic Sylvester Stalone flick, Judge Dread, that we're watching at this very moment.

Give THANKS!  I am thankful for so much more, but my spidery little fingers would fall off if I tried to type it all.

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